“And You Could Believe She Was Alive?” Neomaterialist Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Nature in the Anthropocene
An extended review of the ZKM exhibition BioMedia by Yannick Fritz as part of the HfG Rundgang 2022.
An extended review of the ZKM exhibition BioMedia by Yannick Fritz as part of the HfG Rundgang 2022.
A conversation with Kader Attia, artist and curator of the Berlin Biennale 2022, and Matteo Pasquinelli, professor in Media Philosophy HfG Karlsruhe (2 February at 4pm).
Phd project by Mariana Silva.
Course Summer Semester 2021
Course Winter Semester 2020-2021
A seminar with art historian Antonia Majaca.
Course Winter Semester 2018-2019.
An introduction to AI and neural networks with both theory and practice classes.
The course takes inspiration from Paul Klee’s notebook Das bildnerische Denken to retrace the relation between (arts of) vision and (media of) cognition after the 20th century.